Yuelao LingQian 1 signing up

Yuelao LingQian1 to sign up

Good luck in yuelao LingQian 1 to sign up and sign

Sign the poemCage osprey, state in the river, my fair lady, gentleman good qiu.

Sign: spring birds fall of branches.Is the river of continent.A group of wake up from winter dove children's songs to sing.The song.As a girl of courtship.The scene.The world often.Male big when married.Long when married women.The gentleman for more.A lady was pretty match.My lover is good marriage.All the way.Harmony forever.Grow old together.

Note:SuNiao spring wood, just the pursuit, marrying, old guy

Vernacular shallow interpretation:

Like early spring birds sing branches and courtship nesting of wonderful songs, should cherish good time.Efforts to pursue.God will bless lead into a good marriage.Get this sign at present home fate, need is the pursuit of courage.Ask the fate, rare good marriage.Ask the marriage, grow old together.

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