Yuelao LingQian sign up 3

Yuelao LingQianSign up 3

Yuelao LingQian sign up 3 business sign

Sign the poemChildren enjoy: ancestral temple, bao

Sign: the generation of the delay in children.For the same also.The delay in our generation.The h love of love.When not to be barbary forgotten them.Since the last generation.When I try to delay the next generation.When everything is so.Generation of the next generation.All can enjoy endless.You miss our ancestors.Children of the same.

Note: the ancestral merit, and often, marriage is satisfactory, many children

Vernacular shallow interpretation:

People's fortunes.Extending from the ancestor's blessings, because the ancestors bless, to meet love, is a joy and a good marriage.And "marriage" will be delay to the next generation.Good luck in is up and sign.

Get this sign at present home fate.And always happy.Progeny, more appropriate multiple fukuda.Ask the fate, great luck.Ask the marriage, can close and complete.

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