Gemini most aspire to what kind of life

Many people believe that life is daily necessities sauce vinegar tea, is so ordinary, some people say that life is a process of constant demand.Is constantly creating process, rather than the simple pleasure of process.Someone says, life like a fruit bowl in the gain and loss.Some people say that life is like an onion sometimes make you cry.Others say that life is made up of countless troubles sometimes beads...So, we sign, ta yearning life is what kind of?

Gemini most _ the zodiac what kind of life

Gemini: had better have a handsome boy/girl to court every day (The zodiac /astro/)

Gemini may watch anime too much. After all, in recent years, the republic of Trinidad and Tobago harem anime style to.Around a hero, a lot of handsome deacon, or what many girls, elder sister, small and pure and fresh.Enjoyment in the handsome boy beauty in life, who don't aspire to?And the most important thing is how ah, life will become very wonderful.Make friends with a handsome boy beauty, especially the face, and we are again around themselves, the soul, of course, is taken for granted, for their double character, fantasy is always inevitable, that the life also will be the best.

Gemini most relevant contents what kind of life

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