Gemini girls

The younger sister to do: have a decent appearance and temperament, to show the proper ambiguity and care, keep the near and far distance, must have perseverance and patience.So,GeminiWhat is the mode the boy's younger sister?

Gemini men flower heart is to find true love

Gemini way of hooking up _ the zodiac

(The zodiac/astro/)

Gemini is really likes to play, he has so much whim, can let you in with him every time feel so original, so interesting, let you live in fresh every day, but he would not say this meaning completely, he will take you to go to the movies, take you to sing, take you through every place you like, but is not sure relationship, even if you two have a feeling each other, you also suggested that he, but he is still like a circumstances, but when someone asked, he is not significant, which is the biggest conflict in Gemini, how even if he likes you, but he still want to and you play ambiguous, because a Gemini flower, flower heart, is unable to find a true love.

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