Would-be Gemini to critical defects

Would-be Gemini to critical defects


Would-be Gemini to explode the shortcomings of _ the zodiac

24 hours 360 degrees at any time without cause change mood state

Live in their own world alone can also be drawn together

Love your love to the night before a gentleman not to marry

The second day after think to nima you one

Look warm simple actually not more cold

Understanding of his acquaintance very naive to an outsider it is even the quarrel all lazy

Always a pair of "I don't want to know what you want to also do not need to understand your ideas you also don't delusion change me"

Struggle is too entanglements

Depressing the face or laughing like crazy change mood quickly

Schizophrenia patients with early late obsessive-compulsive disorder

Three minutes heat

Love fantasy without action

Emotions are written on the face

Not all

Like to sit

Can't stick to easy to give up (The zodiac/astro/)

Often think of some other passing about the others

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