Leo bride glamour kit

LeoThe bride charm kits

Leo is radiant usually, this is especially true at the wedding banquet, combined with the characteristics of Leo RenLaiFeng, therefore is likely to lead the booing, but don't have to forget oneself is a bride!

Or luster gorgeous, or on the details of her expensive taste, Leo women seem to be never disappoint her around the audience, they always dress up oneself, in her when the bride of that day of, she also absolutely do not allow any eye focus shift.

Leo bride charm trick _ the zodiac

Advocates of Leo is famous brand, so the bride when Leo told you she use astronomical price bought a designer dress "simple," you don't think she is a vain or show off, because she really believe that the value of the brand.To the wedding, she may have to take care of every detail and cost a lot, but this kind of care about taste, don't care about the price, it is a typical Leo personality, of course, this is also one of the reason why she is always charming.

Warm temperament, Leo is the bride must pay attention to when choosing wedding dresses, don't let your noble temperament affinity mask do you warm.If you personally don't reject red, bright red dress and hold flowers foil has very good effect for you, will you passionate personality specific expression comes out.

Premarital heart: wedding emerge suddenly old flame images in the heart, also began to mourn his farewell to single freedom.(The zodiac /astro/)

Kits honey language: noble lion pride in the mind always think: "marry you, is really cheap you!"

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