The secret of the Leo character

LeoThe secret of characteristics

Traits:Eyes round corner to rise;Hair soft, smooth, head of the proportion of the body is pretty big, but not as good as ram wide forehead or long big bones, brawn is solid

The relative characteristics:Hip usually smaller, no waist, chest muscle thickness, even partial \ \ "" straight barrel type figure;Older after more than fat, is easy to fat body;In high spirits

Exterior temperamentBelowed, looks clean and tidy;Pleasant expression, eyes to the light, else;Behavior has its own dignity, sedate, everybody style;Like to highlight self, money, and willing to become the focus of attention

Related illness:High blood pressure, heart disease, spinal cord or caused by its complication

Charm area:The chest, back, waist

The secret of the Leo character _ the zodiac

Personality characteristics:

- desire, self-awareness, strong vitality, leadership ability, capacity, fame, pride, vanity, pride, sense of justice, optimism

Weak - observation, adaptability

Representative color:Warm yellow, orange red,The zodiac /astro/)

Representative notes:Mi

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