The performance of the Gemini got drunk

GeminiThe performance of the drunken

Gemini - deliriously intoxicated disorderly bite

The performance of the Gemini drunken _ the zodiac

(The zodiac /astro/)

Had been too much is too much, usually calm when Gemini drunken can imagine him more huan.Gemini drunk after everyone had to suffer mental agony, once deliriously intoxicated, also can have crazy behavior, put your hand up, is the tragedy of often appears.FaJiu is rather you toast is you, send out every cup of the wine has a beautiful set of rhetoric, the general situation of others is hard to under three inches golden tongue you escape being worship or the fate of the penalty, several rounds down be put down one by one, and you are often able to preserve our sanity."Public all drunk I wake up alone," a sense of achievement let you joy bloom!What is that, with his right foot from the right or a left foot from that of the left side?This issue is bad answer...Just two feet together.To see this situation is also not strange, when intoxicated, gets the play of incisively and vividly dual personality.

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