Sagittarius 9 traits

SagittariusNine characteristics

___________ obsessive-compulsive disorder, neurotic.Every night before going to bed think window closing, the door is unlocked.

This fully.Like a person to death, hold a grain of sand in his eyes.

C. little aloof, arrogant.Don't like something very much.

_____ the nostalgic.A love song can listen to N years.

⒌ afraid of loneliness.People always xi xi ha ha.

6 is paranoid to love care, have a neurotic tendencies.It is not easily let go.

But bullying.Quarrel with people strong.Afterwards condescend to spun.

⒏ love strong, make people cherish.

⒐ feel good, in fact, a bit bold let people speechless.

Sagittarius 9 traits _ the zodiac

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