Pisces is a electrical appliances

PiscesWhat is the electric

Pisces is a digital camera

Memory, is the most cherished thing Pisces.Because Pisces observation and sentimental personality, so that they even grown up, for the joy and pain of childhood is still in the mind;Observe all like object to the point of all;Even break up for a long time, can the beginning and end of the relationship of charting.

They linger in the painful memories, because it makes them special.They are like digital cameras, detailed record happened in drip, also some unpleasant details.Pisces likes to recall the appearance of the graffiti ChengXiang to: imagine a crush on each other like him also, imagine will notice he has a crush on for a long time each other, imagine breaking up over the years will compound, imagine a family not harmonious due to past karma, imagine that didn't work well because the fate of the fool....

Many Pisces will unconsciously will fantasy thing seriously, to listen to people feel their lies, but they also just blink with stunning eyes expression of innocent.Can't, Pisces is a digital camera, they believe, head to the picture on the screen pictures rather than real.(The zodiac /astro/)

What appliances _ the zodiac is Pisces

Pisces is a electrical related content

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