"The clouds" - film belongs to Pisces


Unbearable lightness of life - "the clouds"

The powerful and unconstrained style, free of dreams and have a natural philosopher of mind Pisces, the fault type of the film is the most suitable for their.Four loosely connected story, it seems that don't let a person enjoy, let people thinking.The film the meaning features is not a complete story, but try to sense a glimpse of the truth and real.

"The clouds", belongs to Pisces film _ the zodiac

(The zodiac/ astro) when we suspect, eager to expand, the story is over, so many missed and stabbing pain, so much consternation and speculation, but we're just in a hurry a hoo, transient.Is in line with the Pisces and the definition of love, maybe love is so full of illusion, maybe life is what happens, just like the cloud, so light, but let a person cannot afford.Under the master full of philosophic thinking, our life seems to be the moment of reduction, it was also in that brief moment, obtained the Pisces are most looking forward to, a philosopher of the eternal.

"The clouds", belongs to Pisces movie related content

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