Pisces woman the best bed partner

  PiscesA womanThe best bed partner:TaurusA man

A Pisces woman actually held about Fried rice about quite a lot of ideas, they want the most is a pair of strong arms, can firmly hold them, so the most important thing is to have a very flesh body, is not necessarily the practice to the magnificent power or bodybuilder, but absolutely can't only thin ribs, it will make a Pisces girls feel not satisfied, and fry the rice will always feel lack of something.

Taurus man, of course, is the man for meat, the lion's share of the Taurus men belong to trim, some meat, but will build some lines, for "no meat huan" not a Pisces woman, with light will they're watching, along with Taurus men are basically takes macho man course, lust is quite strong, don't mind to show off his own flesh to jump a Chippendale shows, real Fried rice come, to see and very good oh!

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