Sagittarius: how shadows out of life


Sagittarius's dark side has two, one can be called the "fan syndrome".Shadow might like to know the striker gens tone to mention well-known figures with the high status.On their sensitive, rich intuition of the nose, which time they can sniff out in a restaurant, which can meet people.Striker with people is one of the talent of the ice and the ability to identify opportunities.The shadow of the talent is striker is used to treat others as the opportunity to use, and after using the dumped people again.The inter striker always know where there's a new PUB, the newly opened restaurant, and what are those local celebrities.They will be the first to buy a record, read a book, watch this movie.If you haven't been to those places, met those people, they can even make you feel yourself is not decent, boring.And if you are not interested in these or contact is not much, they won't waste time on you.

Sagittarius: how to out of the shadow life _ the zodiac

(The zodiacStriker/astro) the second side is very easy to ego.He will give you this promise: he will lend it to you when you need money;When he is not when you can live in his house;He will help you find a house, paint for you, help you tidy the garden;Summer arrived, and he will take you to travel to India, Egypt and Madagascar;He will buy a new car;He will...As long as you're exports, he can give you promise.But he may not be able to realize the promise, because he was in commitments not to know not clear (thinks he can do it) don't just to impress you.However, after all, is reality.Usually you have to want to be fooled by his two above can find how he play a game, is the game "Wolf coming".But when the situation, in turn, is when you give his promise, he would ask you to practice within the deadline.If you don't, he would be disappointed and angry to you.Especially in money matters.He can give you the money generously, but not when you need.When you need him, he often went bankrupt.To be fair, a lot of striker is really generous and generous, but the shadow of the striker.Their heart is very stingy.They will show a very generous appearance, but when you need them was gone.This is a kind of unconscious behavior, so their is no notice.Striker's shadow is rooted in the difficulties they have realism boundaries.They are not sure that its status in the world;They are afraid of failure;They can't on themselves to find enough mature and the discipline to focus on something and finish it.So they are easy to fall into a trap of darkness, by the hand of others to succeed, it is much easier than their efforts.

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