Scent of a woman, is suitable for the perfume of Sagittarius

Scent of aA womanSuitable forSagittariusThe perfume

Sagittarius traits: freedom of Sagittarius off the golden autumn, winter chill out.Her cheerful personality, active thinking, let her have the urge to want to run in the snow.Both emotionally and in thinking, enthusiasm, optimistic, always filled with great enthusiasm.

Suitable for Sagittarius perfume scents: sandalwood incense, mint, vetiver, animals

Method of use: of the best places to find out the general pulse beating, cleansing perfume, enjoy happiness.

The perfume of Sagittarius is suitable for different blood groups:

Type A - COCO (CHANNEL), luxurious, enthusiasm, delicate fragrance

B - 婓 (kyi. Dragon snow), full of vigor, the fragrance of fresh and glycol

AB - GEM (VanCleef&Arpels), with rich fragrance

Type O - "1000" (JEANPATOU), made entirely from natural spices, super senior perfume

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