The dark side of the virgo performance in where

virgoThe dark side of the performance in where

Many times we are in about 12 constellations, 12 constellations is the most proud of things, but who have no faults?After all, no one is perfect, no matter how perfect people would have no less faults, the virgo in the 12 zodiac signs will have what kind of the dark side?Their dark side will broke your good for virgo?Some people, although not complete, they will be able to correct to face the real you, than those who only perfect, did not dare to face their own people much better oh, so you have a black once virgo?

Where is the dark side of the virgo in _ the zodiac

Everyone has his own dark side, and each have each different, do you want to know what is your dark side?What no one is perfect, no matter how seemingly perfect people, there will be unknown small faults, even if the other person's character is very good, very kind, but their hearts will have a little dark, just not show it, the following let's look at the dark side of the virgo.

Virgo is one of the dark side:

Virgo person is not not understand adaptations, but very believe in logic, but what they do will let all people as one of shock, or others to bring chaos, so either good or bad, is very great and comparison.Virgo once decided, will wholeheartedly to pay, no matter how to persuade others to use.Some things never to virgo touch, for exampleDriving a car, even if they have the license plate, is also a "road killer", also don't let virgo do pilot, they have no sense of direction will give you to faint.

Virgo is the dark side # 2:

Virgo is belong to don't know what you want but also risk types, they are thinking, would never have the planning of the work.If let them to think about why the feelings will exist, they'll become a philosopher, but let a person often give the conclusion of "chin fell", such as the relationship can not exist, the relationship between each other into friends, so you don't have to fall in love, and want to this problem.

And virgo man very believe that fate, if a relationship fails, they will believe in yourself and to each other there is no fate, or the fate already do, though virgo wants a lot of sense, but the sense that gives a person is "blind" two words.

Virgo is the dark side # 3:

Virgo is a perfectionist, they pursue perfect, even to the point of blindly, so there is no who don't know virgo is the pursuit of perfect, after all, it is a true fact.When faced with some difficulties, don't go to rely on virgo, also don't believe a virgo can give you a reasonable solution, because the logic of virgo is not modern, and the logic of a long, long ago, couldn't even melts into the modern life.This is not to say that virgo not logical, but virgo is often lost in his fantasy world, thus giving the idea of bias is the dream, is not practical for you.

Virgo man has a sense of order, also like to order, but they do things to make people disorder;Virgo is no sense of direction, but said a have no sense of direction, but they go outGet lost, never ask people around, but blindly go on his own, to find the right path, it not only consumes time, also let yourself get a "late king" titles.(The zodiac /astro/)

Virgo looks gentle, but they are very stubborn, stubborn when how to pull all pull back, but will also become a horrible thing.Once decided target, we will try to complete, complete by the end of the perfect see virgo, so hard, don't bother them, otherwise how dead all don't know.

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