The dark side of the cancer performance in where

cancerThe dark side of the performance in where

You are a person, what is your personality?All in all, one thousand people have one thousand character, almost are various, and each person's personality is the dark side, when you have a black friend, so be careful again carefully, then you know what cancer is the dark side?

The dark side of the character?Do you know what?And what are the dark side in the know his character?After all, no one is perfect, no matter in life or in business, seemingly perfect people, there will be a lot of people don't know the small defects;Even if a person's character is very good is very good, but deep down still hides more or less to the dark side, just not show it, today will have a look at the dark side of the cancer, together with small make up for you to understand an unknown cancer.

The dark side of the cancer where performance is _ the zodiac

A: the dark side of the cancer

Half of cancers are all belong to in order to maintain the surface phenomena and willing to compromise, they don't want others to see their fragile and sincerely, so a lot of cancer are to report good news not suffer, where they understand their own sorrow, also know that this kind of phenomenon is very serious, but cancer will also efforts to prop up, don't let others discovered, especially in the face of love.Even know their feelings can no longer be saved, but the cancer or constantly comfort yourself, tell yourself is to love yourself.

At that time if anyone caught them, but also when in front of so many people, tears of cancer will be going down, can be seen from this cancer how much pressure, so they will say cancer is the most endurance 12 zodiac signs a strong one.When they have the pressure is not don't want to say, but don't know how to say, so the dark side of the cancer is relatively "pessimistic", this is one of them.

The dark side of the cancer. 2:

Love although less money than cancerTaurus, but also is a very love money man, and in their hearts, in addition to the home is money.When the meteor across the sky, do not think that cancer will Xu Shijie peace or prayer life stability and so on, they want one day to the ocean into a vault.And also don't think cancer very compassionate, very fragile, it's just their surface, cancers do not like to recall at the same time, it will make them the most painful memories, sometimes cancer also can't distinguish their memories of things is true or false, so with cancer, oh and don't ask them before.

Sign of cancer are very punctual, and a concept of time, and they must be punctual oh together, otherwise they will "grudges" you for a long time, for a long time.Of course, there are a few cancer has no concept of time, they are not in the dictionary of "time" this two word, so about cancer, to push them, otherwise, being late is inevitable.Actually not cancer is not to be punctual, but they always have a lot of busy not over of things, so will always drag.

The dark side of the cancer three: (The zodiac /astro/)

Although cancer has been forward, but only on the premise of money in this way, the importance of money for them and the family as heavy.And cancer with illusion and a group of a group of people firmly stuck on a piece of the Internet, do not think that cancer can at all for the sake of the target, it is an illusion, don't believe that oh.

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