Virgo guardian stone

virgoGuardian stone: violet topaz, red ghost

Purple topaz:

Virgo's star stone bracelet is love star edge Virgo - nature bracelet.Virgo is ruled by mercury, mercury, the god of hermes moss, and hermes moss is the god of nature, the guardian virgo's peace.Virgo is Virgo, nature is a natural, Virgo - nature by Virgo lucky gem topaz, blue purple agate, amethyst.Blue topaz is virgo constellation guardian stone, symbol of the intelligent and wealth, but also strengthen the sixth sense.

Virgo guardian stone _ the zodiac

Red ghost:

Red ghost is a phantom of a crystal, the inside of the transparent crystal red minerals should be the red mud volcano.Has special treatment effect to liver, kidney, and red light on the reproductive system is very helpful.Can improve too rational and calm thinking mode, make people more humanity and compassion, increase the tolerance and compassion, balance too much blue aura.(The zodiac /astro/)

The red ghost is wealth, namely business career, wealth, the most suitable people wear looking for career opportunities.Also can become a businessman's pet, will help improve the thinking, open mind, have a lucky and highly condensed wealth and power, represents the accumulation of wealth by hard work.Strengthens the heart function, stable mood (tension, insomnia, anger, delusion).Head-on, lungs, immune system and thymus, lymph, heart disease, high blood pressure, breathing difficulties have auxiliary therapy effect.

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