Cancer guardian stone

cancerGuardian stone: tea, red agate crystal

Tea crystal:

Their energy stone bracelet is love star edge Cancer - moon bracelet.Moon is a Moon, the Moon is ruled by cancer, she is the symbol of the goddess of the Moon and hunting in Greek mythology.Luna is the daughter of Zeus and leto Titan goddess, is also a twin sister or a twin sister of Apollo.Artemis is one of the twelve the Lord god of Mount Olympus, Artemis with serious attitude to fly over the sky, is admired as the goddess of the moon, the fate of her guardian cancer.Cancer is a Cancer, moon is the moon month god, Cancer - moon by Cancer lucky stone tea of crystal, white crystal, crystal powder.Tea is cancer guardian stone, crystal and its concomitant can protect cancer life and peace.

Cancer guardian stone _ the zodiac


Members of the family of agate is crystal, it is the family of aphanitic, its six surface crystal is very small, must through a microscope to see clearly.According to the color and texture agate can be divided into onyx, sardonyx, moss agate, brecciated agate, leopard grain water agate, agate, moss agate, red agate, onyx, etc.Agate is a colorful gems, strong energy, treatment function.The ancients have made amulet, agate to resist epilepsy, neurological disorder.Agate is also used as a toxic objects stabbed after treatment, it can strengthen the footwall strength, moderate imbalance problem, make people cherish the body, strengthen the courage, endurance, determined.Can make the person of thought back to the "origin", quick mind, balancing work attitude and details, to make faster, better and more efficient.(The zodiac /astro/)

In addition, the red agate is one of buddhist shippo, since the ancient times have been when things, amulet use for to ward off bad luck, the symbol of friendly love and hope, can help eliminate stress, fatigue, such as polluted air amount of negative performance.

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