Analysis of virgo, huang

Virgo: huang2 yao4 shi, east evil.

The grand master, romantic natural and unrestrained, light but if god, days longitudinal wizards and shi snobbery, eccentric by secular, haughty unruly but heavy feeling heavy righteousness.

Huang is called huang Lao evil, because he was a stray rope, withdrawn perverse, life only love his wife Feng Heng one, since his wife died alone peach blossom island, not contact with outsiders.This also withvirgoHave emotional cleanliness too consistent pursuit of the perfect character.

Analysis of virgo, huang _ the zodiac

Huang had hated secular opinion, to do things on their own likes and dislikes, runner chen2 xuan2 feng elopement with plum steal nine Yin true through, very irritated and angry the other disciple, will be sent a peach blossom island after they break a leg.Then every time I think of the disciple is interrupted his legs out of his legacy, remorse in the heart, self made the land wind legs, with body attack jiangnan six blame, plum accept silly gu for ACTS as an example.This also and virgo is similar to the habitual self-reflection.(The zodiac /astro/)

Huang in the face of his wife, huang2 rong2 and Guo Xiang who know he loves his people, the heart of the lonely are invisible, hero pride turned to tenderness.The and virgo is very similar, virgo may heart is very lonely, but as long as have a really understand him know him love him, although ten million people I in the past.

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