Analysis of Capricorn - guo jing

And Capricorn: guo jing, for the people.

A simple upright and outspoken, simple and honest honest, still waters run deep, if a big coincidence, always with a pure heart.Integrity, straight grandiose.

CapricornPeople in business is given priority to, often the personal life.Guo jing life business is to protect xiangyang city gu city, in order to help against the yuan army.He doesn't have the heart to the southern song dynasty was locked in a brutal yuan army ruined land, so he finally with his own life, to practice his life ideal.Guo jing, except Guo Xiang in xiangyang city break, were killed.

Analysis of Capricorn - guo jing _ the zodiac

(The zodiac /astro/)

Although frowsty coquettish, Capricorn is stubborn, but a very principled, treat emotional attachment.The guo jing character is very stubborn, do not think.At any time, stick to their principles, not cowed.Guo jing frowsty coquettish, SAO rocks a, in the face of this identity golden knife xu powerful temptation, faced with the temptation of princess sweetheart hua zheng emotion unimpressed.Only enamored of huang2 rong2, love life.

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