Leo will do before go to bed

LeoBefore going to bed will do

Will do events: a small beer

Why do: temporary paralysis, relax nerves

Inner chanting: tonight there are wine drunk tonight

Leo inThe zodiac, also belong to compare a unwilling lonely, they like to live in the collective, in the circle of friends to find their own presence.They fear most is a person to stay in the room of any frozen, tossed and turned to not sleep.

Leo will do before go to bed _ the zodiac

(the zodiac/astro /)

At this time, they will choose a person to sit down quietly, put a serenade, then drink a cup of.If you are not drunk, just ask a friend to come over to sing, if drunk, absently sleep, forget all kinds of troubles.

Leo will do before go to bed

The duke of zhou interprets of query