How to make the lion male obsession for you

How to make the lion male obsession for you

Secret weapon: first to his brother

Killer: u u u u

LeoLike in a guy, and enjoy the kind of leading others.Because in their heart, and his own charm has always been anyone cannot cover the.This is a natural confidence, but also can saying is a kind of arrogance in some way.

Therefore, for those who take the initiative to throw herself of girl, Leo boys will never on the heart, they will just think that for granted.But, if he found one day, others do not choose their own, personable and choose those around him feel not good friend, he will have a desire to prove his personal charm.

How to make the lion male obsession for you _ the zodiac

(The zodiac /astro/)

So, to make a Leo boy loved crazy, can be good to his brother, first the envy in his heart.

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