Leo boys and Pisces girls happy chance

LeoThe boys andPiscesThe girl happy chance

Leo boys and Pisces girls happy chance: 50%

Pisces girls always think all boys are handy when well after, the best is the Leo, this bear kua boys, praised the two sentences can not find the north, around the Pisces, but does not mean that will be happy.

Because any form of means or disguise, can afford the recent time, loading of the past for a while, but over time the two get along lasting, this way is not suitable for two people, Leo is always aware of himself is not so strong.

Pisces, after all, the purpose of the pursuit of Leo is not in order to put the kids, in addition, Pisces oneself also want to be love ha a pet lover, how may have been getting the others, if Leo can grow up two people to happiness, or can't.(The zodiac /astro/)

Leo boys and Pisces girls happy chance _ the zodiac

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