Leo complain index and terminate the complain about the password

LeoPassword complain index and remove complaints

Leo: second

Complain index: 8 star (10 star for the highest)

Complain, complain, and complain

Leo, a man who knows how to give yourself and others face sign, because there are too many face to do, so they live hard, live happy, live in complaining.When they complain, often quietly, as if to tease people, but in fact the condition is not the case, they all hang smile on the face, write hate on the brow, so they are sometimes a bit blue, something like this.

Remove complain that password:

Let them say, let them speak, it is good to you when you're a wood.(The zodiac /astro/)

Leo password _ the zodiac complain index and remove complaints

Leo lift complain complain index and password related content

The duke of zhou interprets of query