Don't cheat by Leo again

Don't beLeoTo cheat

Please don't believe Leo won't put down self-esteem

ScorpioPride, Leo is proud, pride for them, as important as life, so to speak.Then again, aren't proud lion "easily" to lay down their self-esteem?!Many times, lions in order to love, and to lay down their self-esteem.Put down self-esteem for their self-esteem.Only when she told that love as deep as engraved on the "forgotten", will regain their dignity, be yourself.Really hope that the Leo can do put down the "frame", rather than put down the "self-esteem".

Don't cheat by Leo again _ the zodiac

Please don't believe Leo's confidence

When it comes to confidence, I don't think too many people would doubt the constellation of Leo is not a confidence now.But, I'm here to tell you, she is actually a lot of Leo, inferiority complex is very strong, very sensitive on the relationship between the people, often feel dwarf a piece or feel someone doesn't respect her, look down upon her.

So, it is natural for those who can't, and the resulting close relationship, also cannot enter her circle;Investigate its reason is Leo her inferiority complex strong!Sometimes, the inferiority of Leo and will make her feel good enough for anyone, for the more like object, the more he looked, rush in where angels fear to tread.

The reason is because the lion high self-esteem, and thus cannot in relationships to lay down their self and seek breakthrough, is she a lack of confidence.

Please don't believe Leo strong

Leo gave the impression is the most strong signs of the zodiac, but if you have thought of it is just her strength to "look".Leo, she never cried in front of love, but can hide in the woli cry alone until daybreak.

Leo after breaking up with her lover, not like cancer, born to die, she will only ridicule and become more "cheerful", her performance is always let people suspect she invested in the relationship of depth, as well as her efforts;Only those who know the truth behind the people can see her behind the tears, effort and pay.

If you see the tears of the Leo "lucky", then you should know: she is not in to gain your sympathy!But the heart is proud of her have to control your emotions.

Please don't believe Leo sun

Perhaps, Leo is the most attractive is the "sunshine", as if all of the "dark" in her "sunshine" under the irradiation of disperse.But, you know?In fact, she and cancer is as easy as sentimental.(The zodiac /astro/)

She saw a moving plot will drop tears, see sad words can fondle admiringly, it meet to worry how things will be wasted.Leo is easy to her emotions, and often feel lonely, change the point of view, you'll find it's rumours in the darkest of sunshine.

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