Hero alliance: Leo is extrajudicial fanatics

Hero alliance:LeoIs a method of fanatics

Fled without borders, in boundless, scenery is behind the vicissitudes of life, or dirty, only oneself know, perhaps, after a experience a settle calm and calm, every detail is a story of thorough heart.

Maybe Leo is such a person, sometimes they have been to escape, but not escape the mundane, think about Leo just want to escape from their inner barriers, prison break law enforcement is not to resist, but in order to reveal their charm of freedom.

Head buried the pursuit of low stimulation as far as possible, don't know when to catch up with his death, so as soon as possible after others, showing his own reckless indulgence, don't know whether your shadow away inner chills and jitter, and that time is no longer sad.(The zodiac /astro/)

Hero alliance: Leo is extrajudicial fanatics _ the zodiac

Hero alliance: Leo is extrajudicial fanatics related content

The duke of zhou interprets of query