Leo is like this

LeoIs this way

Leo doesn't like to make a decision, how are things casually, not so-called.Very like to listen to friends opinion, if you are a lion can confide in, you need to do is analysis, decided to lions club to do it myself.If the lion has his own ideas, once the decision even if the whole world against almost no change.Actually somewhat by instinct, but the lion's intuition also pretty accurate most of the time.

Leo's smile is always the most pure, no matter what time you will see all the smile of the lion, because they always want to bring your own happiness to others, only to leave the sadness to myself.You don't see the tears of the lion because he never cry in front of others, when you see the tears of the lion, it means that you are really really took them, because the lion is really need a worth relying on.

Leo: it's what _ the zodiac

Leo: good at communication, sunshine, cheerful, eloquence is very good, to the person of big things, sympathy for the weak, a friend.Under the mask: very, very self, always have a "I'm right, you and I are different then you are wrong" thinking mode.Super face saving.Love will be very care for each other in private, willing to pay.(The zodiac /astro/)

Leo people like to make friends with people who don't have all, that's for my best Pal of that kind of, a friend, a lion will put you as one of their own, within his control, so sometimes will bring those trapped rao, because think the lion is too sticky, don't feel right!Lion psychological understood actually paying is not necessarily return, but, as a lion, would rather others negative I, I never negative.

Leo: it's what related content

The duke of zhou interprets of query