The impression in the workplace, Leo

In the workplace,LeoThe impression

Impression: they were to hear praise, whether it is not deliberately low-key, occasionally also need some feedback to satisfy psychological sense of accomplishment.No results of Leo is insist on not to, "don't do anything underhand" they will process and results are completed and have to be frank and open.To lead the instruction execution was perfect, they treat subordinates very care, and have the courage to collective responsibility.They attaches great importance to the stranger's advice, get the approval after Leo colleagues will be more bright.

Characteristics: strong sense of responsibility, kindness, generosity, honesty and frankness.

Advantage: the characteristics of the Leo ", the better the better "embodies obvious in the work, guaranteed confidence, high morale.

Weak spot: "the worse the worse", speak highly of their lazy made useless waste of time, the control of endurance is a bit weak.(The zodiac /astro/)

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