Leo girl touched the man's characteristics

LeoThe girl touched the man's character

If you like to play with calculation, if you like tai chi, that you choose the wrong person, if you want to open happy heart every day, without any burden of life at home, then choose the Leo woman never wrong.

The Leo woman nature optimistic open and bright, energetic, especially the way they tore open mouth smile, really even the scorching sun of summer will be blank.At the same time, the disposition frank the Leo woman is quite a personality, like to put your feelings completely, no hypocrisy and artificial, such a pure tend to impress the opposite sex.From the Leo woman appears to be stubborn, stubborn personality, often can be found innocent, naughty side, but it is they are the most lovely and attractive side, this precious pure heart, not every girl can keep for a long time.(The zodiac /astro/)

Leo girl touched the man's character _ the zodiac

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