Leo boy like what gift

  LeoThe boy like what gift/Leo birthday gift

The lion man of charisma, one only can show the fountain in the breast pocket, with a gold belt buckle, the most can show his generosity.

You can give Leo boy a fine bottle of French champagne and two crystal glass of champagne, wine and share it with him.Buy a gold pocket watch, engrave something on it and it is also a delicate gift.Preparing gifts for Leo, the most important is elegant, for example, you can prepare for his New Year's eve dinner some fresh caviar.Please him to the four-star hotel to eat a meal, and rent a limo, the whole night on standby, this squad is enough to make him pleasantly surprised unceasingly.Or, to a stronger, please him to take a helicopter.

What he wanted to join the private meeting place?That will save some money to buy him a membership card.Finally, he may be a little childish, you can pack in his playroom a nintendo N64 3 d game, or a LCD TV.

A ticket of the Broadway musical is gift to Leo is good.Also can buy the ticket of the magic show, Leo like drama and lively scene.To his car with a new stereo equipment is also a good choice.If he smokes, you can buy him a box of imported cigars, coupled with a solid gold lighter.Or find a grade of shops, to buy him a silver card case, and engraved on the box.He likes all of high quality things, so many works of art are to the taste of him.You buy him his favorite brand of white shirt, or go with him to buy a burberry jacket.

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