Cancer boys always don't understand

cancerThe boy can't understand forever

Scope: mainly to the societyTo get marriedObjects of all kinds of wonderful work requirements

Specific questions: why is "economy is applicable the male" will become a derogatory term?

Cancer boys have been to their various conditions is very satisfied, because they feel almost have a good husband all aspects of the software and hardware, whether in appearance, figure, or income, character.However, in recent years, the cancer had to doubt his identity positioning.

This, perhaps, to blame the "Grosvenor LTD shuai", since "Grosvenor LTD handsome", "economy is applicable the male" seems to have become a derogatory term, only as a marriage partner, not to bring a wife to spiritual enlightenment.Perhaps, cancer really don't understand, not positioning of our identity, but the girls that the emotional needs of endless transformation.(The zodiac /astro/)

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