Aries boy can't understand forever

AriesThe boy can't understand forever

Main scope: girl's mind

The specific question: why do they always say theoppositeofwhatyou actuallymean?

Aries boy for data, these logical reasoning, are particularly good at.Because their way of thinking is linear, similar to the domino through, as long as there is a driving force, as long as there is sense of logic between them, no matter how much something complex, and they want to be quiet, is understandable.

But, they can use reason to solve complex problems, but not with perceptual understand some simple questions.So, girls for their pet, weakness and unreasonable, it is hard to feel they don't come out, because they will only went up from literal meaning to understand.Girls, therefore, irony is the most let them have a headache, but they also have never understand why girls like, obviously they just hate to say.(The zodiac /astro/)

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