Cancer boys and Taurus girls happy chance

cancerThe boys andTaurusThe girl happy chance

Cancer boys and Taurus girls happy chance: 90%

As everyoneTo get marriedPreferred home companion of cancer of the boys, are very dependent on family, family for them is a top priority, so they hope his wife can also be very family.Steadfast steady niuniu treat family attaches great importance to the girls, they desire a harmonious happy family I an intimate partner.

Every day from work to go home on time cancer of the boys would be eager to considerate niuniu attaches great importance to family the focus of the girls choose objects, because they don't like himself a man lived alone, the husband want to play outside, even if two personal communication is not much at home but they also like the feel of his own he was at home.(The zodiac /astro/)

Cancer boys and girls happy Taurus _ the zodiac

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