Capricorn men and Taurus girl happy chance

Capricorn men andTaurusThe girl happy chance

Capricorn men and Taurus girl happy chance: 95%

Capricorn men's heart has been in the pursuit of career status, they don't need too much love to bother, as long as two people HeHeMuMu is not a problem.Not romantic niuniu girls don't need a partner to accompany every day in the side, they like to occasionally have my own free time.

For career is more important than love you boys don't like to waste too much time to build the love, so they are very suitable for a safe girl as a girlfriend, so like niuniu girls have a space alone will be their for, personality is very accord with two people.(The zodiac /astro/)

Capricorn men and Taurus girl happy chance _ the zodiac

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