The cancer woman character exclusive flowers

cancerJune 22 - July 22

Exclusive flower character: lavender

Provence of France, and a known for beautiful lavender romantic city.Every year thousands of tourists to provence to see lavender purple sea, flowers fragrant relieve tense mood, choose like the flower of love most worthy of love.lavendersaysIs: waiting.Cancer of women as it is full of mysterious and romantic lavender, careful look forward to the love waiting for the arrival of the love belongs to her, they can wait for a long, long time for love, is the ordinary people can't imagine.

The cancer woman is exclusive to spend _ the zodiac personality

(The zodiac /astro/) sign of cancer are the perceptual sensitive suspicious, tender and with a trace of melancholy, they are always very pessimistic the fundamental son wu empty some things in a variety of ways set on themselves, they are afraid of love and fear of injury, can't type, a touch up one thousand lines of tears.Crab aika is notoriously, who says her family a little bad in front of her, she will be down in a faint in the deep heart's core, but the surface is likely to be very quiet.If you do something tough tone accused her family is not good enough, no matter friends friends lover, the position of you in her mind immediately is in limbo, and little chance of recovery.The crab homesick but not necessarily all the time with family, they may be because of a variety of reasons such as work,Go to schoolTo get married, or to go abroad and so on there is no time in the family's side, regardless of where their heart is worried about throughout the home.The sign of the crab is belongs to the most insecure, even if you put all the concern is reassure, doing her solid backing, she would hesitate to hide in the crab shell, finally may let friends colleagues have to alienate her lover to bear.Crab has no father or mother fixation, but his is overrun with motherly love, make of enthusiasm to others, let a person have a kind of illusion mistakenly think that you may be very good to him, and when the other party to respond to you, your cold will remind him the wrong meaning, don't take such hurtful, suggest the crab besides love and family to friends or to keep a friend's distance is better, hissy fits will let you hurt those who have a favorable to you the opposite sex.Also remind idea too much you must live in the real society, so also should be realistic, daily necessities of life is the real, more practical action, don't dream geared let time to waste, thought it was trying to do, let your fantasies into reality.

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