Capricorn female character exclusive flowers

Capricorn ~ Jan. 19 December 22

Exclusive flower character: casablanca

Casablanca this only at ordinary times is known to be the name of a film or a brand clothing trademark, it is also the lily family a, casablanca Spanish for "White House",saysLove is eternal.Petals white if snow, more than the simple but elegant lily petals, there is no little patches, and presents are impeccably pure beauty.Fragrance of Chinese long endurance, a bunch of flowers can make whole room intoxicated in the pure and fresh and fragrant, it is also one of the few several expensive bouquet, inarticulate Capricorn like this disdain unabashed casablanca, silent watch the beloved person to return.

Capricorn female character exclusive _ the zodiac

(The zodiac/ astro) rigorous rigid, unsmiling, manners, decent, sedate age signs of the zodiac.Capricorn is one of the constellations in the zodiac very frowsty coquettish, they may be inner surface is still a passionate, enthusiastic but don't know the person they always think that they have no passion, and seldom communicate with people, they won't have too many good friends, only a few or a few bosom friends, in my heart don't show them everything, boring like a teapot is boiled dumplings full words wouldn't come out, but it never rains but it pours, can let all people sit up and take notice.Tend to highlight in the collective narcissistic, hidebound do anything without ninety-five percent chance that they don't pay a practical action, because they feel futile things not worth their cost.Capricorn has two stages in life: one is the mood very profligate naughty when enjoy the happy time of youth, stress-reliever - like risk greatly exciting games or sports, and very perseverance does not give up to reach the goal;2 it is crazy to calm down, after the reality they began planning for the future, the struggle for bread,Can see them only two things, one isHave a meal, the other one is work, certainly not for the other half to interested makeup SHOPPING mall, they are very practical people, understand social reality is live on strength, rational SHOPPING rational consumption, and high taste;Capricorn is a born beauty beautiful guy, don't need heavy make-up they walk among different temperament of alternative can make people swoon.

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