This sign face masks

cancerThe camouflage mask, and considerate

Usually when it comes to cancer, will always follow with gentle, considerate, for words.This was the moon guard water sign, has always been linked with the word "mother".In Chinese traditional culture, the image of the mother was "rules" for the tender and considerate, and work hard.This caused we mention cancer, brain will describe cancer according to this standard.In fact we all know that it is just a template, most people have not obedient as a child, mom, and even his experience.Obviously, "mother" in addition to tender and considerate, but there is a strong side.As a result, the cancer is very strong.

This sign face masks _ the zodiac

(The zodiac /astro/)

Water sign itself, actually has the characteristics of manipulative, and cancer as the base, I beyond control, there are strong in principle.Mother is used to describe the cancer is good, because the mother's gentle and considerate, accompanied by a "mom has a lot of rules, but you must abide by the" all such conditions.Gentle and considerate are left to obedient child, disobedient children nothing.

This sign face masks

The duke of zhou interprets of query