Libra camouflage mask

libraThe camouflage mask, easy-going

Libra is often considered to be amiable easy smoothie.With libra, you will often hear "casual" from his mouth, "you have the final say," I can "" this kind of sentence.As a result, a lot of people think that seems to be a little independent constellation libra, very easy-going and indecisive.In fact do libra rarely take the initiative to express their views, he always smile at everyone politely asking every one's thoughts, and in someone's time to coordinate the atmosphere of the scene, in order to make sure everyone can be treated fairly.But in fact, as a base I sign, libra is not so easy as you think.

Libra camouflage mask _ the zodiac

(The zodiac /astro/)

Libra is a typical passive signs of the zodiac.Libra don't know like ram directly express their views, he is used to make evaluation on other people's opinions.For libra, others did not say anything just rush it is impolite to say, so he will ask you out of politeness.But ask doesn't mean that it is purely for libra etiquette.Of course he rarely rebuttal.But don't agree with, he knows well.

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