Gemini men make women a language of love

GeminiThe boy letA womanA language of love

I like you so much, you like me will die?

Show MOE match action: stick out their long tongues

Moved index: u u u u

inThe zodiac, Gemini is arguably one of the most emotional appeal.Their heads not only has all sorts of romantic tricks, and they especially to know when to use what tone talk to each other, what time to swagger, show masculinity, when to gentleness, show the boy's innocence.

Gemini men make women love a language _ the zodiac

(the zodiac/astro /)

As a result, they know that a woman is like sometimesThe childSon, you must use tone to talk with their children.It will make them to produce a by the hands of feeling in my heart.Gemini men will show MOE gently said: "I like you so much, you like me will die?"

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