World of Gu Jianuan male represents the Gemini

GeminiRepresentative of the Gu Jianuan men fall in love

The film and television characters: "you for me fascinated in li xin

Main characteristics: gentle, handsome, young, talented, melancholy

Evaluation criteria: willingness to pay for girl silently

Judgment and Gemini girls to boysPiscesGirl is a little similar, they both like gentle romantic guy, but a Gemini girl is dare to love dare to hate, and to put down some.They appearance, in addition to attaches great importance to the boys more take a fancy to their talent.

Twins Gu Jianuan men to fall in love on behalf of _ the zodiac

(The zodiac /astro/)

In "you for me fascinated" li xin have a little cold, have a little sad, but I feel very tender, talented, handsome, estimation is a lot of Gemini girls dream.

Twins Gu Jianuan men to fall in love on behalf of the related content

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