For Gemini work environment

Suitable forGeminiThe work environment

They are not interested and lack of imagination or talent stupid people work together, it will make them feel boring

Active fickle Gemini likes lively changeful work environment, if the world peace, no solve crisis to them, they will find their own some new fault.Gemini people love their opinions, also like to listen to the opinions of others, they think the debate is also a kind of communication method, and can inspire everyone more.They are not interested and lack of imagination or talent stupid people work together, it will make them feel boring, no opportunities for growth.Gemini usually prefer to stay in the city, whether it's overflowing humanism, snake or contacts, as long as can contact for more information and the crowd, you can make them satisfied.

For Gemini work environment _ the zodiac

(The zodiac /astro/)

So basically they suit to stay in the downtown of hot rolling, so while commuting or lunch break, you might have a chance to walk around.If or residential area in the suburb of a small company, in addition to work or work, the landscape is always out of the window, they may be less than three days will feel boring.

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