Gemini personality psychology analysis

Gemini: borderline personality

Gemini is to compare "internal" multiplicity, is known to all.If you don't have a good management and their own individual personality, this is similar to a split personality if a simple Gemini, it may better, if it is a very interested in study your inner Gemini, that it was a real hassle to their work will be more and more strong, even had a good interpersonal relationship is getting worse.

Gemini personality psychology analysis _ the zodiac

(The zodiac/ astro) borderline personality characteristics description: acting in a capricious mood changes and unstable as the main characteristics.This kind of person can't control my emotion, often angry grouch.Them in a short while you can talk with people well, for a while then decide to deny.As a result, often conflict with the people around you, so that the interpersonal tensions.Their mood abnormal and returned to normal.Often make some impulsive behavior, and the destruction of unpredictable behavior.They can't correctly treat, judge themselves and often feel lonely, depression and fear of being alone.Their many behavior is similar to the early performance of mental illness.

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