How to coax you angry

GeminiHow to coax when angry

Gemini's child is emotional, happy time, how to don't angry, not happy when how is all your fault, but Gemini also is pretty good to cough up, sincere.Gentle.

Don't turn to put on the feet, or pretend nothing had happened;If the error in you, he'll never let you so easily simply, as long as sincere apologize to him, he would be willing to dissolve the wars, careless he's probably will soon forget you are quarrelling!Old account (as long as you don't, don't literally trample his self-esteem, don't touch his scar), usually for things not people dispute, are easy to reach a settlement with him.

If there is a misunderstanding each other, must get to the bottom in person, or of the cold war hysteria nonsense...Will only make the heart more and more serious, even make he don't want to face you!(The zodiac /astro/)

Gemini angry how to coax _ the zodiac

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