Gemini in bed

  GeminiIn bed

  Gemini's lover

Sex for Gemini, may be like a normal date, it's not a big deal.Gemini sexual technique actually very clever, Gemini can bring love andTo make loveClearly divided into two things, that is, the spirit of the Gemini love partner, also love the body of another partner.

  Invite lovers to spin

Gemini peculiar kind natural attitude, talk about life, human nature to sexual knowledge, sexual appearance, then slowly from individual performances invite each other after posing together, it can try.

  Taboo which methods

Please hold the Gemini cause partner misunderstanding of playboy or flower flower princess image, as romantic results will only be referring contemptuously to mean.

  The key to the door of the sex

Gemini can tell each other like a elder with reasons things out the tone, while the young left good memories.,

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