Sagittarius character analysis of the interaction

  SagittariusCharacter analysis of the relationship

Sagittarius is a passion and love life lotte, striker directness, naive personality makes it popular.So with love freedom, like exploration of Sagittarius, you should pay attention to what issues?

First of all, you have to understand that Sagittarius is very candid, sometimes even honest horribly.With Sagittarius, they definitely don't like beating around the bush and implicative euphemism, what they will tell you, but you can't stand them ignore others feelings frankly.Sagittarius hate no free space, also don't like you to distrust others they ask east asked west, however, when the striker ask others questions, answers to reservations, but the most offensive to them.So, talk to Sagittarius people, bluntly, don't slink around, they are not patience to listen to you beat about the bush.

Sagittarius people see things will be in the long run, if you only to discuss the problem with them, they will think you superficial.They are outgoing, talkative, like new experience and try, especially sports and travel, always carried a philosophic optimistic about the future.So and Sagittarius people, you want to have a little imagination, note don't put the line of sight, pay attention to cultivating their long-term strategic thinking.

Sagittarius people like free and unrestrained life, at the moment the pursuit to their satisfaction life environment and free space.Strikers hate talk with people coy put don't open, is also the most can't stand circuitous unnatural way to communicate.Miss swagger off, self-righteous, loose hair or master will only speed up the pace of our they avoid temper.Note cannot direct conflict and Sagittarius, you more strong, the more they don't want to communicate with you, sometimes you suffer indignities without protest seems a bit weak, Sagittarius people can pity instead.

Sagittarius is love play explore constellations, thoughts often powerful and unconstrained style, it is difficult to focus.Where there is delicious, fun, good-looking, Sagittarius will is the best player.With Sagittarius, if you dull boring, or they may stay at a respectful distance from sb, so also more attention to the places and fun topic at ordinary times, such ability and Sagittarius people speak freely.

With Sagittarius people, remember that no matter how good friends, the other is how much love or your lover, don't touch the striker's "heart" of the area.For him (her) of taboo, such as pain, once brokenhearted of scar, the shadow of failure and a series of the box, never "iron teeth" and dig in, otherwise will let the striker deny people turned against.

Sagittarius people regardless of men and women, all belong to that kind of after the more tight the faster runner.Sagittarius lover, not controlled by anybody, diamond ring, engagement, intimidation are useless.Unless they are willing to, otherwise you are nor to hold the hearts of the men of Sagittarius.Sagittarius lover is very strange, if let them to like you, they will do all the pursuit of you, you, even if you don't find them, they will stick by your side.Pursuit of Sagittarius lover, pay attention to use some "desire Qin so longitudinal" skills, in order to catch their changeable heart, only know sacrifice paying behavior instead of Sagittarius temptation is not big.

Sagittarius people attaches great importance to a friend, as the other half of the Sagittarius, you must have a spirit of love me, love my dog, to be able to accept the Sagittarius many friends, otherwise it's hard to have any intersection.When do you think of two people very not easy to have a chance to get alone, and Sagittarius is fantasy you holding hands walking to the park, or the dream of two people to go to the movies together, Sagittarius person might gleefully tell you: "wait others to join us to play!"Might as well a little bit in Sagittarius friend, tried and Sagittarius friend mix, this guarantee is a good thing.

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