Gemini girl sad expression boy signs a change of heart

  GeminiGirl sad expression boy signs a change of heart

  Gemini girl sad

Gemini girls can be said to be the best actor in the world, when they meet with sorrow, tears flow crow is inevitable, but their unique feature is that when I need her, she will immediately come out from the grief, should do, never because of emotional problems affect the work, but when after the busy work on hand, and she will think of those sorrow, and returned to grief, so need to be repeated several times, and the twin sister of emotions may be back to normal.

  Gemini: evaporate away from you

The most afraid of noisy Gemini, so he won't say break up, lest you cry, to be born to die.Once he has a change of heart may disappear immediately in front of you: he will put off your date, house former chine-guizhou aviation use phone messages, mobile phone number will change buried, anyway just to make you can't find him.

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