Pisces imagine what kind of marriage life

Pisces imagine what kind of marriage life _ the zodiac

PiscesMarriage ~ dream and vision

Pisces is a dream, is a beautiful girl forTo get marriedYou see it as a "dream" and have been looking for, because Pisces never confuse reality and fantasy is not the same.Will the plot of the TV or movie moved to life, so sometimes disappointment is inevitable.Pisces girl love for family pay a lot of, the marriage will also try to play the role of good mother and good wife.


If both choose from bread and love, you will choose love without hesitation."Love" is like their survival in the world of power sources, without the "love" their lives will turn into a zombie.In their rational marriage is filled with love and warmth of the family.It is not just between husband and wifeA blind dateLove each other, but also between parents and children love.Even old gradually, the other party still flirt with his words, the marriage for them is the vision of a life.

Pisces: want to mature, to grow up

Like fantasy and romantic life Pisces not only gentle and considerate, and always can make a little surprise to partner.However, Pisces can sometimes play small temperament, and the frequency of the time this happens in the marriage life is pretty high.Estimates that no one is willing to live the coax a child, in the beginning, your mate will think you are cute little temper, over time, your partner will feel very tired.The life pressure big, people need is a real mature partner.So for your happy marriage, Pisces wants to grow up quickly, you know, only mature attitude can make a good marriage.

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