Sagittarius: love a person

Sagittarius really likes a person _ the zodiac

Before the striker hasn't show heart, TA is always hanging out in front of you, once the relationship clear, striker free molecule will be alive again.Because Sagittarius love you, so TA, of course, also believe that you also love TA, will respect TA all interests, may even following the mood of TA.So when striker fell in love with you, it will be used to to live according to oneself idea, sometimes solitary, happy will be crazy together with you, not happy when they leave you, not TA do not love you, just TA love to forget about the love is two people.

Sagittarius: want to start a family

For romantic natural and unrestrained of Sagittarius, on the value of freedom more than love, but if you meet the true love of the ta, perhaps value will be upside down.So naughty don't home, and suddenly wanted to have a home belong to both of them.

Performance 1. Ask yourself who love of divination

Sagittarius may spend a lot of time in life to think about one thing, I really love who, they simply is an emotional idiot, can't understand their ideas.The most miserable is, striker and I didn't ask, they always woman.she, brothels, friends also don't know their true thoughts, it seems Sagittarius: if you want to know who you are love, only to a road of divination.

Night performance 2. He will be with you to discuss in the future

If he does not love you, don't say in-depth discussion, even if you only touch the edge of a future, he can't wait to disappear in your world.But he loves you, very anxious to tell you that the future said three days and three nights, night, and you want to believe him, usually irresponsible striker once want to responsible for is to block all the way.

Note: you don't look too excited, if he loves you also calculate, one thousand love, did you not even dignity set in, the most like casually mention can, if he ignored, you did better than he was dragging.

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