The lion male good husband practice guidelines

The lion male good husband practice guidelines _ the zodiac

LeoGenerosity and strong

Advantages:Leo man care about other people think of him, is better.So, they will be generous of male chauvinism dote on you.As long as everything in his affordable, they will be obligatory.

Disadvantages:Men don't like a strong lionA woman, because they are too strong.They will use their own way to love you, love you at the same time also can strong assert their authority!


Your self consciousness strongly, please can you change?You're a man, should be very proud of accommodating the wife, is always a pair of inevitability of appearance of distancing between husband and wife, arrogant arrogant, what thing is you have the final say, the wife of the feelings you have considered?Be considerate wife thoughts and mood, the wife is your master!

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