Teach you how to get cancer boss

Teach you how to handlecancerThe boss

Teach you how to get cancer boss _ the zodiac

Crab boss like a positive, strong subjective initiative of the staff, because they are "parents", the direction of the company's business and the style is their control, they want to follow and subordinates in the framework of their efforts.At this point, we will come to another important trait of the crab boss is fusion, they want employees can on own direction under control, but not allowing employees to have ideas and innovation, and he is hoping to everyone's ideas together.

This star is the moon, the moon to bring in the past, like the last character is very important trait of cancer man.That would mean that your boss's memory universe invincible!Long before a project case, the defects and weakness and key, an employee had been years ago of a coup or wrong thing, he could remember, although not always hanging in the mouth, but in his work, involving the key points such as management, control, you can clearly feel his this characteristic.

Crab boss very compassionate and good heart, for your achievements, such as you to the company or you brought income belonging to the business team, they will give positive affirmation and substantial rewards.But they don't think that is a water sign will love flood, employees of mistakes, especially the relationship between the company and the interests of the team, to make things, events, team have imperfection, the lack of, cancer boss will because of to protect the "home", to ensure the integrity and become very strict.This is the moon star caused two personality traits, because sometimes big, the change of the moon is in lack and complete two changes, so they are particular about a complacency and feelings or the integrity of the state on, because can't meet, missing of extremely strong defense, protecting the state of mind.

Water sign cancer boss has brought back the emotion flexible characteristics of subordinates, or peers, partners, feelings, emotions and self the superior people's sensitive ability to observe.This ability is composed of main moon at the same time also lead to the ability of the additional role, because had the moon will dominate the sentiment in astrology and awareness.Like belong to the waterScorpioBoss also have the ability, but the ability to use two kinds of people, cancer is to rely on feeling, and people on the environment results subtle emotions and Scorpio by intuition and inspiration.So if your boss is a cancer, they can easily through the expression, your words or your details and different behavior habit "read" in the action out of you is happy, not happy, what is honest or was "premeditated".You pay special attention to, the crab boss absolutely can't tolerate cheating, because this is equivalent to you in his emotional, try to keep the most attention and complete "home" in split, if you have any dissatisfaction, put to them directly, they will be very willing to help you to see if we can have a solution, moreover, extend from the concept of "home" is a "harmonious" 2 words, your boss is very don't like to quarrel with the confrontation between subordinates, or in private, talking to each other, some people in order to show their sincere initiative to talk to boss behind closed doors to the problem of a colleague, there is nothing wrong with doing so, although cancer boss with a smile on his face, but it sounds in the mind is very uncomfortable, the best way is to try to get along well with your colleagues or just leave the team if you cannot coexist.

When your boss to meet different and objections at the negotiating table or at work, we have just mentioned cancer "defense" character will appear, and their mentality is of self protectionThe zodiacOne of the most intense.Although not a fire sign, but in case of an objection, they will be verbal strong rebound, defend himself with perfect, however, found in fruit, slightly against or at the outset aware of each other is too strong, it really true that mentality at that time they likeA crabReturn to hide in their shell, you will find that they would choose to avoid, ignore, ignore the other party's resistance has come, and at the same time to protect themselves, so the other also "attack" doesn't come in.When they feel down, you can clearly see from their state.Note that such protection is not equal to give up their own point of view, in fact, this person will not easily give up their point of view, this mindset will undoubtedly lead to negotiations or rigid present situation, if you are a crab boss, first, you must stand in cancer leadership talk, even if his theory is wrong, you and he stood on the side, he'll be very happy, because only one people said a words, you are in justifying a fault, to protect him.If you can give to break the frozen method, it is to have a, but be careful, if your boss really have deviation in concept, is that he is wrong, you must not say out, you can take the right information somewhat peripherally first revealed to him, as if inadvertently put the case under the right way to show him, and then gently tell your plan.

And that is why cancer is a water sign and we call these above, but they are easily affected by environmental factors self mood of a group of people, so cancer boss climb to present this seat, the road behind mostly in the form of ups and downs.Emotional problems can bring a lot of trouble to their work, so as the subordinate if you find that they have unstable emotions, to the appropriate channel and comfort.Because they are only temporary, the content of general direction and faith is firm.


The sign of the cancer is not rational, so your rational way is certainly not OK.

Raise the trick: a nostalgic

If direct reasonable analysis to want money with him, its successful probability, not necessarily must be laid hands on him while he is emotionally vulnerable, you can talk to him about the company plowed, along the way of history and tradition, and you are in the history of what time into the company, who in those days, and now the personnel all the greetings, such as bullshit, in short, as long as the stir up his nostalgia for the company and their sense of family, let him feel you are losing ground with his little brother, little sister, again insert wage demands timely, you are almost was successful.

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